Bob Moriarty: The US Will Withdraw From NATO and NATO Will Collapse
321gold founder Bob Moriarty believes the US will withdraw from NATO, causing the long standing military alliance to collapse
In this March 2025 conversation with Bob Moriarty, we delve into the seismic geopolitical shifts that are occurring in the first two months of the Trump 2.0 Administration. Including the potential for the United States to withdraw from NATO. We also discuss the prospects for the US mining industry under Trump’s 2nd term. The conversation concludes with a discussion of the delay with the unsealing of the JFK files and Epstein client list.
I'm speaking with Bob Moriarty, the founder of 321Gold. Bob, there is a lot to talk about today with regard to geopolitics, the new administration in the U.S., Europe's response, and the market reaction. Bob, how are you?
Bob Moriarty
I'm doing really well. I've got a financial crisis. I'm running out of money for popcorn.
There's a shortage of entertainment lately, and the market volatility has really spiked up since we last spoke. In February, the market was relatively placid, quite frankly, but now the VIX spiked above 25, and every day we're seeing big whipsaw moves in stocks. Gold has been pretty calm, though, and continues to consolidate above 2,900.
Before we get into gold, I want to talk about Trump 2.0, the new administration in Washington, and the shaking up of the world order that is going on right now. It seems like Trump has created a lot of upset in the last few weeks. What's going on?
Bob Moriarty
Boy, that's an all-encompassing question. Let me start off by defining overall what I see. This is the biggest change in current history, probably since World War II.
I think it goes back to the same thing that caused World War I and World War II. World War I was, to a large degree, a function of the UK being bankrupt as a result of getting involved in stupid wars they couldn't afford. So certainly, the British had a lot more to do with starting World War I than the history books tell us.
I just came across something yesterday. It was marvelous. The question was, who was responsible for starting World War II?
The author made a very convincing argument that it had far more to do with Roosevelt than anybody realized. Let me tell you a little history there. The market, of course, crashed in October of 1929.
It declined into 1932. It rose 150% between 1932 and 1933, and then it crashed again into 1937. The author of this piece argued that behind the scenes, Roosevelt was trying to initiate World War II, and he had a lot more to do with it than people realized.
To the extent that I think there was a lot of truth to that, what has happened with NATO, Trump, the Germans, the Brits, terrifies me because it convinces me we will go into World War III. I think there's no other possible alternative. Strangely enough, a lot of that is going to have to do with the fact that both the EU and the United States and the debt-based system of the West are bankrupt, and they need a war to get the economy restarted.
If the US pulls out of NATO, and there's a lot of indications that's going to happen, NATO will collapse, and the Germans and the French and the British will restart some kind of an alliance.
Yeah, there's a lot to delve into there. So with Trump wanting to end the Ukraine-Russia conflict and being very forceful about it on the Ukrainian side, he seems to be less forceful on Russia, although there are some headlines this morning that he's threatening Putin with more sanctions. But clearly, pulling back more aid from Ukraine is a very big shift in US foreign policy, also saying that the US wants to close bases in Greece and the Baltics seems to be a prelude from the US potentially withdrawing from NATO.
This is a big shift, and you're right. It's the biggest U-turn in US foreign policy and force deployment in Europe since 1945. So what are the implications?
So you said, I'm convinced we're going to have World War III. Why are you convinced we're going to have World War III if the US is pulling back its forces?
Bob Moriarty
Because Germany, Poland, the UK, France, their response, instead of saying, okay, why don't we reevaluate what we were trying to do in the first place? Let me be totally candid here, and I know you and I disagree on this. The Ukrainian war, it's not our war.
It never was our war. No one stands to gain any advantage from it. It's been devastating to Ukraine, and it should have never been fought in the first place.
But instead of looking at it and saying, “gee, as Germany, we have destroyed our economy in the name of hurting Russia, maybe we should reconsider”. They're saying what we need to do is we need to spend $800 billion. We need to rearm.
Literally today, the polls are saying they want a draft and they want to increase the size of the military. Now, let me tell you what stupid is. You know, a lot of the listeners hate this, but I ask questions that are a little difficult because it's really important to ask the right questions.
How many troops does the UK have in their army? You got any idea?
To answer this question exactly, the total number of people in the UK armed forces is roughly 180,000, but about half of those are combat troops. So about 90,000 combat troops.
Bob Moriarty
OK, the British Army has 75,000 people total. Now, yes, there is a British Navy and there is a British Air Force. But the British Army, which would constitute the fighting force, is 75,000 people.
Now, because there is a King and because they've got the coolest uniforms in the world, the British Army needs about 72,000 of the 75,000 just for ceremonial events. So the fact of the matter is Britain wants to go to war with Russia and they're going to have about 3,000 troops that they can contribute. Now, on the other side of the pond, Macron said, screw that, “we want nukes”.
OK, Jesus Christ. Who in their right mind thinks a nuclear war is a good solution for Russia versus Ukraine?
It's a war that should have never taken place. It's a war with no purpose. And the idea that it could go nuclear terrifies me.
And Macron's saying we need nukes. So it's going to be interesting. But this is a lot like Brexit.
I looked at Brexit as a wonderful opportunity for the British and the EU to reevaluate the EU. How much of it made sense and how much of it didn't make sense? And frankly, it doesn't make sense from a financial point of view, because countries are not allowed to print their own currency.
OK, the printing of the euro is restricted. However, they are allowed to print their own bonds. And if you've got a million euros in one hand and a million euro bond in the other hand, it's exactly the same thing.
So instead of it being a bad thing, Brexit gave Europe and England a chance to reevaluate what they're doing. And instead of pulling out of NATO and yanking the currency from Ukraine, it gave everybody an opportunity to say, do we really want a nuclear war? And Europe seems to be taking the approach, yes, we do.
And the sooner, the better. Now, let me go, you want better, because there's such a simple reason, why is Trump wanting to pull out of NATO? Why is he trying to cut back on costs in Ukraine?
And it's such a simple answer. It won't occur to most people. What is behind his actions?
And I'll give you a hint. His actions on tariffs are exactly the same.
Trying to reduce the deficit?
Bob Moriarty
That's part of it. OK, when he says Europe has been stealing from us, and Canada's been stealing from us, and Mexico's been stealing from us, and China's been stealing from us, is there any truth to that?
But it's a nuanced topic. It's quite nuanced. And it's part of the role the US has played since Bretton Woods in 1944, with the reserve currency.
Bob Moriarty
Yes, strange enough, you just hit the nail right on the head. Bingo.
You got it exactly right. We had so much money that we could allow European imports into the United States with very low tariffs, so we could allow Canadian imports into the United States with very low tariffs. Someone sent me, and I wish I could give it to you, someone sent me a list of Canadian tariffs on American goods.
And I was absolutely shocked. Some things like dairy products, there's 150% or 200% tariff on. So to the extent that Trump is absolutely correct, Russia's been taking from us, China's been taking from us, Canada's been taking from us, Mexico's been taking from us.
And the problem, and this is what Elon Musk seems to be the only person to understand, the United States is bankrupt. When you're $37 trillion in debt, you are bankrupt and you must do something. Now, I would be very interested, the most interesting thing that I've seen in the last six weeks is the degree to which the Democrats were literally looting the Treasury.
That shocked me. I knew they were corrupt. I've said since 2020 that the 2020 election was stolen, and it clearly was stolen. But we've got that situation.
They were stealing. Do you remember who Stacey Adams is?
Yeah, of course. A politician from the state of Georgia.
Bob Moriarty
Exactly. She was running for governor and she said she won the election, but clearly she didn't win the election. She had an NGO that was given $2 billion.
Now, when Victoria Nuland spoke several years ago, and it's on YouTube still, she was talking about how the United States paid $5 billion in Ukraine to bring democracy to Ukraine in 2014. And I just went, $5 billion? Wait a minute.
That's a lot of money. Well, in international politics now, okay, $5 billion isn't that much. But $2 billion to a Democrat with an NGO?
Wow. That's corrupt. So I really admire what DOGE is doing and what Elon Musk is doing.
But it all goes back to the fact that the United States is bankrupt. We have to reduce the amount of money that we're spending, and we have to increase the money that we're taking in.
I want to go with this. Let's go back a little bit to the Europe topic and what would unfold if the US does withdraw from NATO. So Germany made an announcement, that they’re going to spend 500 billion euros to revitalize their military infrastructure.
Germany appears to be committed to getting their military up to par and build all these new missiles and tanks. Poland said they're going to go from 200,000 troops to 500,000, and they're considering acquiring nuclear weapons. So this is a significant escalation in Europe.
But I'm a little puzzled because the European economy has been very weak, and actually deteriorating further for the last few years. The eurozone has huge sovereign debt problems, just like the US. In fact, you could argue it's worse in many eurozone countries.
So how is all of a sudden the UK, France, Germany going to mobilize all this new infrastructure for the armed forces? Is it just the money that is just going to come out of thin air?
Bob Moriarty
They can't. They don't have the infrastructure. When Germany allowed the United States to blow up the three Nord Stream pipelines, they destroyed their economy.
Volkswagen is closing down seven plants or something like that. There is no way the EU can continue what they're doing. They don't have $800 billion.
They can't make artillery weapons. They can't make missiles. Could they go nuclear?
Yes, and they're absolutely suggesting that nuclear war is a good idea. Now, I think that anybody who says nuclear war is a good idea is clearly insane.
And regardless of how you feel about Russia being the bad guy or Ukraine being the good guy, do you support a nuclear WW3?
No, I do not. No rational people do.
Bob Moriarty
But that's exactly what the Europeans are talking about. They don't have the economy. They don't have the money. And they don't have the people. And they're fighting very real problems. And you raised a really good point.
I was trying to make the point that Franklin Roosevelt wanted to get into World War II to bring up the US economy. And you are absolutely correct. The EU is far more broke than the United States is.
But Donald Trump and Elon Musk are the only people who realize it, who are willing to do something about it. Now, there's actually a very simple solution to this. And it's a solution that I would hope people would go for, but I doubt that they will.
And that is to go back to honest money, to stop spending money on wars that you can't afford, and rebuild your economy. Some things, like the United States rebuilding their manufacturing capacity, that isn't going to happen in our lifetime. But the goal is very good.
It's puzzling, because on the one hand, I hear the rhetoric from Europe. And I understand they have invested a lot in Ukraine. And most of Europe supports the right of Ukraine and its sovereignty to fight back against an invasion by Russia.
I get that. I see that. But then I see the economic situation that Europe is in, and acknowledge that the UK armed forces, the German armed forces, even the French armed forces are relatively weak.
And frankly, the Russian armed forces are not that strong either, especially after three years of being obliterated in war throughout Ukraine. So I don't think it's in anybody's interest to really ratchet this up and embark in a larger confrontation. I really don't think that's in anybody's interest.
I'm thinking that Europe made the statements that they did, because they felt they needed to support Ukraine following Trump sort of pulling the rug out. But I really don't think that anybody wants World War III. Right, Bob?
Bob Moriarty
Actually, I'm going to disagree with you. OK, can we agree that Trump wants the United States involvement in Ukraine to cease? Do we agree there?
Bob Moriarty
OK, on the other side of the globe, a little further south, Israel and the United States are talking about attacking Iran. And Iran is supported by both China and Russia. So the Trump administration does not want World War III in Ukraine.
The Trump administration wants World War III in Iran. OK, and I'll go back to my basic position. I would be against World War III, and I don't give a shit where it starts.
But the Trump administration is very bellicose, and Israel is very bellicose, and is saying we are going to attack Iran by the middle of the year, and that will start World War III. So we've got the Germans and French trying to start World War III in Ukraine, and we've got the United States and Israel trying to start World War III in Iran. And somebody's bound to succeed sooner or later.
The geopolitical backdrop is concerning, to say the least. And, yeah, I've seen the rhetoric about Iran and stopping the flow of oil from Iran, having the U.S. Navy inspecting Iranian vessels etc. It feels like something bad is about to happen.
Let's turn to the market, because we could talk about the prospect of World War III for hours, and I'm not sure we'd really get anywhere. But let's turn to markets, because markets have been upset now for a few weeks, and for good reason. Trump 2.0 tariffs, threatening tariffs on Mexico and Canada have roiled markets. So the tariffs have just been increased on China. It’s been weird messaging from the administration, including a few threats that were quickly walked back. And then, obviously, whatever is going on in Europe and Ukraine and the Middle East, it's been an unsettling last few weeks.
We're pretty deep into a pullback here, it's starting to get to the point where I think we could start to use the potential of the C-word. Is the market potentially about to crash?
Bob Moriarty
It's already started. Have you followed the German Bund rates in the last week?
Yes, they’ve been rising.
Bob Moriarty
They're going through the roof.
And Germany and Japan are about to bring down the world's entire economy. And to the extent that after the fact, I think it will be very clear that a lot of the things that the Trump administration is doing, while I support in some measures, they add so much instability to the situation that something very bad could happen. But are we going to have a major crash?
So when I was studying in university, we're talking about the late-90s and the early 2000s here. I took several economics classes throughout high school and college. We were always taught tariffs were pretty much not a good idea. Maybe in extreme circumstances, you can use them on specific goods.
But broad, sweeping tariffs are a bad idea. And the best example we have is the Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act in 1930, which helped to ignite the Great Depression and really killed the US economy in the early 1930s. So what the hell is going on here that suddenly the Treasury Secretary, the President, and a bunch of other talking heads suddenly think that tariffs are the greatest thing since sliced bread?
Bob Moriarty
Well, I think it's bad messaging. I think they're focused on the wrong thing. What I would like to see is, these are the tariffs Canada puts on the United States, and these are the tariffs the United States puts on Canada.
Do they match? And they clearly do not match. And Canada has had a free ride, and the EU's had a free ride, and Mexico's had a free ride.
And to a large extent, China's had a free ride. We literally, China did not steal our manufacturing. We gave it to them, which was totally insane.
Tariffs should be matching, OK? If Germany wants a 10% tax on American cars coming into the EU, then the United States should have a 10% tax on German cars coming into the United States. Trump and his administration is absolutely correct in saying the tariffs are not fair.
But I absolutely agree with you. Tariffs are nothing but a tax. So what you're saying is we're going to increase the taxes.
Now, I hope that we can get it to the good news, OK? Because there actually is some good news, and that is there are three ways to create wealth. You can grow it, you can manufacture it, or you can mine it.
We can't be any more efficient at growing. We're very efficient now. We've destroyed our manufacturing.
It's going to take a generation or two to rebuild it. However, we can rebuild the United States as a mining country, and I would like to see that. And that certainly will affect us.
I'll be candid, I don't see any way they can't turn around and say, OK, we're going to start helping mining. We're going to eliminate the red tape. We're going to stop this 20 years of permissions by 16 government agencies before you can put a spade in the ground.
I think that mining is going to rebound, and I think it will be good for the United States. But frankly, you know, whether there's a war or not, there's an excellent chance, in my opinion, there will be a war. We've got to do something about the debt situation.
Some of it, have you followed Elon Musk and his comments on Social Security?
Bob Moriarty
He says it's a Ponzi scheme, and of course it's a Ponzi scheme. But we've had this giveaway program in progress since 1940, and we can't afford it. And we built up several generations of people who believe that the government should be supporting them.
Social Security, the math does not work, and the math gets worse and worse. The numbers become more daunting every year that goes by. But man, try to win an election on getting rid of Social Security.
Good luck with that, Republicans. Let's go back to your comment about farming, manufacturing, and mining, because you're right.
There's a lot of negative things about the first 45 days of Trump 2.0. And quite frankly, it's a little hard to be optimistic now. But let's make an attempt to be optimistic. So it's clear that Trump wants to lower interest rates.
Trump and his Treasury Secretary say it over and over again. That's a positive, all other things being equal. He wants to weaken the dollar to help the US manufacturing sector.
And clearly, he supports farming and now mining. There was an executive order about a week and a half ago on copper. Now, there's no clear mandate or clear goals from that executive order yet, we’re still in the question of what exactly is going to happen.
But clearly, copper is a critical metal to the United States. And we consume a lot of it. Half of US copper consumption comes from imports from countries like Canada and Chile. In the US we have an enormous endowment of copper, in states like Arizona, Utah, Idaho, and Alaska. We just don't issue permits, and when we do it takes 15-20 years.
And if you ask the mining industry, what's the biggest thing that the government could do to help you? They'll all say, just give us permits. We don't need money.
We don't need any special favors. Just give us permits to drill. And then eventually when it's time to build a mine.
So are we at the cusp of a renaissance in mining in the US?
Bob Moriarty
And how do you make money from that?
Bob Moriarty
Well, the corporations make money and the corporations pay taxes.
So how can I, as an investor, make money from a renaissance in US hard rock mining?
Bob Moriarty
In 1929, I believe 29% of the companies on the Dow Jones were mining companies. In 1980, it was 9%.
And right now, it's half a percent. So what you do is you fill a room with information sheets about each company in the United States that’s in the mining business.
You need eight and a half by 11 pieces of paper. You need to tack that on the wall. And it will be like several hundred pieces of paper.
And you pick up a dart, you walk into the room, you close the door, you turn off the light, and you throw the dart.
Very, very scientific process there in terms of due diligence (laughs). Yeah, I feel like this could be very bullish for copper miners in particular in the US, because the red metal copper is a key metal for so many industries. Whether it's EVs, homebuilding, AI data centers, if you need electricity then it consumes copper.
And there's so many copper deposits in the US that are just sitting there dormant, right? And we have a new copper porphyry belt that's taking shape in Idaho with Barrick Gold making some big investments there. So if there's one area that I'm quite positive on, Bob, it's copper mining in the US. I also have optimism that the situation with Canada will simmer down, and all this tough trade tariff talk will calm down and Canada will be a special trading partner again, who knows? An AmCan Fortress as Ontario Premier Doug Ford recently proposed.
I wanna ask you about some specific companies. One company in particular that we both follow is Ramp Metals on the TSX-Venture (TSX-V:RAMP). This is a new gold discovery in Saskatchewan.
And what is so interesting about RAMP is they made a blind discovery.
Bob Moriarty
They made two discoveries.
Tell me about Ramp, because I think this stock is very much under-the-radar.
Bob Moriarty
The strange thing is that you have to go back to my room, close the door, turn off the lights or a dart. There are hundreds of stories that people don't understand. RAMP is in Saskatchewan and they drilled a hole and like new found gold came up with an extraordinary hit.
And I can't quote it off the top of my head because I've forgotten it, but it was something like 75 grams over five meters or eight meters or something like that. It was an extraordinary hit, but in the same area nearby, they had another, I think VMS style hole that was primarily copper zinc and lead. Okay, so if you like gold, you like RAMP.
RAMP.V (Daily)
And if you like copper, you like RAMP. And they're cashed up and they're gonna be drilling soon, I look forward to an exciting phase II drill program from RAMP.
I recently spoke to the CEO Jordan Black, and I said, “there's only one thing you have to do to succeed”. And he said, well, “what's that Bob?” And I said, “do the same thing two or three more times”.
The problem, and I will disagree with you a little bit, is that we need to reduce the red tape in mining, but there's no money available whatsoever. And we've got such a critical shortage of metals, including copper, including nickel, including iron, including the rare earth elements that we need investment in the industry. And I would frankly like to see the government get involved.
If they got $2 billion for Stacey Adams and her NGO, why don't they do something for Rosemont out in Arizona? I don't know.
Yeah, I think you're absolutely right there. In fact, permitting is a big one. It is the most common gripe among mining CEOs, they say “get me permits faster”. And I do believing permitting in the US and Canada is about to become more expeditious.
I think we can be pretty confident of that, but you're right, financing. A lot of people wonder why mining stocks, gold miners really underperformed gold the last couple of years. And I think the answer to that is that interest rates have risen a lot.
That makes financing more expensive for the mining industry. And you're right, there's just been a dearth of capital across the sector. So maybe some government loans to the mining industry would be very supportive, low interest rate loans, maybe pegged to the 10-year note yield plus 2% or something like that.
That would be very positive. But yeah, going back to Ramp Metals, the Ranger discovery was fantastic. I mean, to drill a first hole into a new blind target and return 70+ grams per tonne over 7+ meters on the first hole is phenomenal.
That's a one in a million drill hole into a new blind target. And then they're able to follow up with two other target areas, including the one that you mentioned, which is the Rush Target that hosts copper, gold, and silver. So the next phase of drilling in Saskatchewan at the Rottenstone Southwest property looks to be very exciting, in my opinion.
You're right, the company is fully funded for this drill program. They received a large investment from Eric Sprott last summer. So yeah, I'm very bullish on Ramp, and looking forward to the possibility of confirming the high-grade Range discovery in phase II drilling.
Let's talk about one more, and maybe there's one that you'd like to mention. Dolly Varden Silver (TSX-V:DV, OTC:DOLLF). A lot of people have been talking about silver in the last couple of weeks and how good the chart looks.
And we know April/May is usually when some of the northern explorers mobilize to the Golden Triangle, Dolly Varden will be one of those companies. What made you so excited about Dolly Varden, Bob?
Bob Moriarty
Well, the really interesting thing, Dolly Varden is not a silver company. They bought out Fury's interest in the property next to them, making Dolly about half gold and half silver.
Yeah, Homestake.
Bob Moriarty
Homestake, and Homestake is gold rich. So I wrote a piece a year ago, it said, Dolly Varden Silver is gonna have to change its name to Dolly Varden Silver and Gold. And for young investors, and I look at young investors as being anybody under 70, Dolly Varden was by far the most famous name in Canadian silver mining.
And I've watched that go from a $25 million company to a $300 million company. They're gonna be drilling. There will be a lot of gold intercepts as well as silver intercepts.
But that entire area, including in the Yukon, the Tombstone Gold Belt, is going to be big news this year. We've got Trifecta, we've got Sitka, we've got the Valley Deposit, we've got your favorite, my favorite too, Tara Christie with Banyan Gold. I don't remember what the current numbers are on Banyan, but you can buy an ounce of gold in the ground for $7 from Tara Christie.
So you like the Golden Triangle and the Yukon. And yeah, just for those who look at charts, the Dolly Varden chart, the DV chart on the TSX Venture, potential double bottom at 88 cents. So that's something to keep an eye on.
DV.V (Daily)
April/May is historically a pretty good time of the year for Dolly Varden. And yeah, Sitka in the Yukon, Banyan Gold in the Yukon, those are all very exciting plays right now. And actually Sitka is drilling right now.
They are literally in progress in drilling in March in the Yukon, which is not something that we see that often. So that's how excited they are about their RC project there in the Yukon.
I wanna ask you one more question before we wrap this up. It's something we talked about at the end of 2024, the JFK files, Trump signed an executive order, but I haven't really seen anything happen. I haven't seen the files come out yet. And there's evidently thousands of sealed files that have still not seen the light of day.
What's going on there?
Bob Moriarty
Well, that's not nearly as interesting as the Epstein files. I like Pam Bondi, okay? I liked a lot of people in the Trump administration and Pam Bondi got caught with her pants down, okay?
She said she had the Epstein file on her desk and somebody called up and said, no, you don't, okay? You don't have any of it, okay? We got it all up here in New York, but on the JFK thing, I believe that you're gonna have to do some research into it.
I believe that 22,000 pages have been posted on the web and somebody sent me a link to it. And of course the problem with there being 22,000 pages of documents is, you know, it's gonna take you two or three days to read through them all.
Yeah, as soon as we end this conversation I'm going to look into that. Yeah, and the Epstein file. So what the hell was that that happened last week where they invited some people with big social media followings to the White House to get a bunch of files that are redacted and act like it was a big deal?
It seems to me like this is all a show and they're not actually going to allow these names to be made public.
Bob Moriarty
I think there's an excellent chance that's true. Trump actually promised to release those files when he was Trump President 45, okay? And somebody came out with a book and again, I'm caught short.
There is a two book series about how the intelligence services use blackmail and coercion against politicians.
It’s “One Nation Under Blackmail”, volume one and volume two.
Bob Moriarty
Very good, very good. And correct me if I'm wrong. And he showed in the book how many examples there were of the CIA and the Mossad and every government agent.
The author is a female, her name is Whitney Webb, female author.
Bob Moriarty
Right, right. But a brilliant book and strange enough, I don't think the real Epstein files are ever gonna be released.
Yeah, I think you're right. And actually one of the reasons why I voted for Trump was because I'm a JFK conspiracy guy and I really wanted to have the honest truth out there and get all these files. But as every day rolls by, I've become more and more skeptical that these agencies may have convinced Trump that just the truth is too ugly to ever be made public.
And maybe he's made a deal behind the scenes that okay, we'll keep those files sealed and you do me a favor or two over here. I don't know. It's just when you campaign on an explicit promise to unseal the JFK files, that the time has come, and then why wait anymore?
Bob Moriarty
Well, let me give you an example. Do you happen to remember when someone sued the government saying that the Obamacare thing, the Obamacare was illegal because it was a tax and the deciding vote was Roberts, the head of the Supreme Court. And Roberts, of course, is mentioned in the Epstein file.
And Roberts had to do 16 backflips to come up with the legal argument that he came up with that said Obamacare was not a tax when it clearly was a tax. And Whitney Webb got it exactly correct. There's so much crap going on behind the scenes that we don't realize.
And I'm convinced that everything we're being told now is a lie, not 99%. I believe 100% of what we're being told now is a lie.
Right, you're right. You're a big follower of sentiment, market sentiment and investor sentiment.
What markets or asset classes stand out to you today from a sentiment standpoint as either extreme to one side or extreme to the other side?
Bob Moriarty
Okay, the stock market in general is hitting some really key points. And the sentiment is so negative that it's positive. That doesn't mean we're gonna go back and start making new highs.
It means that we're going to have a correction and it's gonna go the other direction for a while. Some of the things like the German bond market are terrifying in the velocity of change. VIX is always an important measure and it's not the absolute VIX that's important.
It's the velocity of change that's important. In my opinion, the stock market and the cryptocurrencies have topped and we will see if they've topped or not. But it certainly appears that there will be a correction.
And actually there was a very minor correction in gold. And I think that correction is over. And I think that silver is about to have it today.
Thank you so much for your time, Bob.
Bob Moriarty
It's always a pleasure. Thank you, Robert.
Disclosure: Author owns shares of DV.V RAMP.V and may choose to buy or sell at any time without notice. Goldfinger Capital has received compensation from Dolly Varden Silver and Ramp Metals for production, editing, and dissemination of CEO interviews.
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